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Authentication & Authorization

The authentication & authorization is based on the auth package.

It uses JWT token to identify current user and uses the idea of PostgreSQL Row Security Policies to control users permission, the policies are implemented in a normal database table so that we don't need to mix database role with appliation user, and it can works for different databases.

The two database tables auth_users and auth_policies which used to manage authentication and authorization will be created automatically during setup.


A database URL and a JWT secret is required to setup auth, check the Configuration page to see how to config them.


After getting the server running for the first time, send a post to the /auth/setup endpoint to setup databasse tables and create an admin account, the username and password will be included in the returned response.

curl -XPOST localhost:3000/auth/setup

Command line

There are a few useful commands to help manage auth users and policies.

# setup database tables (same effect as POST /auth/setup)
rest -db.url <url> auth setup

# list users
rest -db.url <url> auth user list
# add an user
rest -db.url <url> auth user add <username> <password> <is_admin>

# list policies
rest -db.url <url> auth policy list
# add a policy
rest -db.url <url> auth policy add <table_name> <action> <exression> <description>



If you're using other system for users management (tokens generation), you can skip this part, and go to the Authorization part to see how to do authorization for auth users.

The authentication part is for user registration, login and logout. The operations is based on a database table auth_users which is created during setup. The schema is like :

CREATE TABLE auth_users (
password VARCHAR(72) NOT NULL,
is_admin bool NOT NULL DEFAULT false

There are three built-in endpoints provided by the auth handler: register, login, and logout.


Register a new user account by username and password.

curl -XPOST localhost:3000/auth/register -d '{"username": "hello", "password":"world"}'


Login with username and password, a JWT token will be returned in the response.

curl -i -XPOST localhost:3000/auth/login -d '{"username": "hello", "password":"world"}

The token then can be used in other requests to identify user.

curl "localhost:3000/products" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>"


Currently, the authentication mechanism is based on JWT token only, logout is a no-op on the server side, the client need clear the token by itself.

$ curl  -XPOST "localhost:3000/auth/logout"


The authorization part is to control which tables or rows one user can access, the policies are maintained in a database table auth_policies which is created during setup. The schema is like :

CREATE TABLE auth_policies (
description VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL,
table_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
action VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,
expression VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL

JWT token

The current auth user is identified by a JWT token passed in the HTTP Authorization header, the token can either be obtained from the login endpoint mentioned in the Authentication section above, or is a valid JWT token from other system.


Make sure to use the same JWT secret, and include a user_id field in the JWT claims when using a token from other system.

curl "localhost:3000/products" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>"

Default policies

A few of default polices are created during setup. When auth is not enabled, all the endpoints are publicly accessible by default. After auth is enabled, all the endpoints are controled by the default polices.

auth_usersallauth_user.is_adminusers operations are limited to admin user
auth_policiesallauth_user.is_adminpolicies operations are limited to admin user
allalluser_id = auth_user.idall tables/actions are limited to be filtered by user_id

The expression user_id = indicates that a field named user_id is required in the table.

Action & Expression

The value for the action column could be one of below values:

  • create (create a record using HTTP POST)
  • read (read record(s) using HTTP GET)
  • update (update a record using HTTP PUT)
  • delete (delete a record using HTTP DELETE)
  • read_mine (read record(s) using HTTP GET and with a ?mine query parameter)
  • all (all actions above)

The auth_user in the expression value is a key word to represent current user of the request.

Example policies

Below requests require a token from a admin user, you can also add policy through command line.

  1. Make a table public
curl -XPOST "localhost:3000/auth_policies" -d '{"table_name": "artists", "action": "all", "expression":"", "description":"make artists public"}'
  1. Make a table public, but limited to current user when query with ?mine
curl -XPOST "localhost:3000/auth_policies" -d '{"table_name": "artists", "action": "all", "expression":"", "description":"make artists public, but limit read_mine"}'

curl -XPOST "localhost:3000/auth_policies" -d '{"table_name": "artists", "action": "read_mine", "expression":"", "description":"make artists public, but limit read_mine"}'
  1. Restrict table access to users who have logged in.
curl -XPOST "localhost:3000/auth_policies" -d '{"table_name": "artists", "action": "all", "expression":"auth_user.is_authenticated", "description":"restrict table access to users who have logged in"}'
  1. Use the column author_id on the table to filter user id.
curl -XPOST "localhost:3000/auth_policies" -d '{"table_name": "artists", "action": "all", "expression":"","description":"use author_id column"}'