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At the minimum, Rest requires a database URL to connect to be able to serve requests. Rest uses a unified format to connect to various databases. See the Database config section below for the detailed format.

Config parameters are read in the following order:

  1. From the config file.
  2. From command-line flags, overriding values from the config file.


Common settings can be set by command-line flags directly

rest -addr :3000 -db.url sqlite://chinook.db

-addr <ip:port>

specify listen address

-db.url <dsn>

specify database URL

-config <path>

specify the config file path


output help message

Config File

Rest can read a config file, there is no predefined location for this file, if you want to use a config file, you have to specify the file path manually.

$ rest -config config.yml

config.yml sample

# server listen addr
addr: :3000

# db config
url: sqlite://chinook.db

# auth config
enabled: true
secret: [replace-this-to-your-own-secret]

Database Config


Specify the database URL to connect to, the URL consists of the driver name and the actual DSN. Supported databases are listed below:

DatabaseURL Format

Auth config

By default, all the endpoints are public without any authentication. It's suitable to be used as an internal tool or put after a reverse proxy like Nginx. If you want to have user authentication for the API endpoints, you can turn on auth configs. Check the Authentication and Authorization guide for the follow-up setup steps and understand how it works.


Whether to enable authentication and authorization, default false.


The JWT secret that used to sign and parse the JWT token.